Stress management
As part of corporate health management programmes, particular emphasis is placed on stress management. We approach this topic very personally and interactively, with ease and practical relevance.

Managers influence the effectiveness, satisfaction and loyalty of their teams on a daily basis. They thus have a direct impact on their employees' perception of stress and on their health.


Team seminars

I will raise your awareness of your crucial influence on the prevention of stress in your teams. The components of individual stress development will be experienced: the perception of a situation, its evaluation and the use of one’s own resources to deal with the situation. Offline. Real. With all your senses.


One-to-one coaching

Managers consciously or unconsciously act as role models and multipliers for resilience and healthy behaviour in the workplace. They themselves are exposed to high demands – mostly their own! The same applies as in an aeroplane: first take care of yourself and then of your fellow passengers. In my coaching sessions, we look at individual perception patterns, resources, beliefs and health goals.


Team seminars

The health of employees is one of the most important resources of every company. Chronic stress has been declared one of the greatest health hazards of the 21st century by the World Health Organization (WHO). What is chronic stress? And how can we prevent it?

In our digital, stimulus-flooded world, we reflect on ourselves as human beings and experience very personal offline workshops with a sound medical background.

In-house seminars with face-to-face teaching in small groups of up to six participants

Customised content in a personal atmosphere just for your team

Working with international teams
  • The seminars can be expanded to include intercultural management aspects and can be held in German or English as preferred
Experiencing one’s own perceptions and resources
  • Your employees have the space and time to become aware of their individual differences and be fascinated by their potential as a team
Creative work on the participants’ individual stressors
  • We look at very specific situations that your employees identify as stressful and work on the best possible way to handle them based on their personal resources.


Seminar modules

The three full-day modules build on each other in terms of content.


– Perception –
My Senses, the Stress and I

How does our stress response system work? How do my sensory perceptions work? Why is my neighbour’s perception quite different from mine? And how does this contribute to the emergence (and avoidance!) of stress? We approach the topic with many interactive exercises and practical examples.


– Reaction –
My Resources, the Stress and I

How do I evaluate perceived situations? Why do I evaluate them differently from my neighbour? What options do I have to react? And why is it that so many of my options remain hidden? We will go on an exciting journey to our thoughts, feelings and talents.


–Healthy Leadership –
My Team, the Stress and I

How can I promote the health, satisfaction and performance of my employees in a socially competent way? What influence do I have as a manager on my team’s perception of stress? How can I work with my team to find specific preventive measures? What psychological and physical consequences can chronic stress have and how do I recognise them in my daily work?



Die bei Frau Schmidt erlernten Methoden haben unsere Mitarbeiter befähigt schwierige Situationen stressfreier und damit effektiver und schneller zu bewältigen.

Marc v. Mellenthin | Brunnée Marketing


One-to-one coachin

This is all about you. Is there a specific professional or personal concern that is affecting your stress level? I focus on your specific situation and guide you towards possible solutions. Do you feel permanently stressed in your position?

We will see if the direction of your path matches your talents. Do you want to work on important skills such as decision-making, communication or conflict resolution? We will find your personal resources for this – often not in your obvious strengths but unexpectedly in hidden areas.

Confidential and intensive collaboration at your own pace

The dates and content of your coaching sessions will be arranged flexibly

Empathic and open communication
  • Everything about you is welcome! Every thought and every emotion is valuable to me, so that together we can uncover what is behind them.
Authentic and experienced guidance
  • Many of your questions were also my questions: How can I fulfil all my roles? Manager, parent, partner, friend? Together we will find surprising answers.
A sound medical and therapeutic background
  • In my coaching sessions, we always include your body and the signals it is sending you.



Price per modul: € 1.800,00 Full-day in-house in-person, small groups of up to 6 participants Please contact me if you would like to conduct the seminar modules for your employees as a retreat at an external location. We will find the right place and I will prepare an offer for you.

One-to-one coaching session hourly rate: € 160,00

Billing is per 15-minute period or part thereof.

In person or online, 2-hour coaching sessions are recommended

The stated prices are exclusive of travel expenses and statutory VAT, which is currently 19%.

My invoices are payable within 14 days.

For further information, please refer to the general terms and conditions.


Coaching im privaten Umfeld

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Stress in everyday life and at work

Stress is caused by the impression of not having the right resources available to deal with a situation. Good questioning strategies can help you out!
The body and psyche give us valuable feedback on unfulfilled needs - we call this feedback “symptoms”. Looking at needs is the first step back to balance!
Every decision is made with uncertainty. This contradicts our basic emotional need for certainty. A good connection to our unconscious is the key!

Are you dealing with stress?
Then let’s talk about it.

Whether in our private surrounding or in business, stress weighs heavily on our daily lives and prevents us from dealing with situations appropriately and effectively. Learn how to avoid stress and which methods will help you in stressful situations.